Friday, August 26, 2005


Saw a screening of a new Canadian Film tonight which opens at Canada Square today and on behalf of the First Weekend Club, as in get out there this week end and support the film to keep it in the Theatres, I really want to recommend: DELUXE COMBO PLATTER - directed and shot by Vic Sarin (the great Margaret's Museum).
By the bye, coincidently, I'm just back from Cape Breton where I had the unpleasure of seeing the big Summer success WEDDING CRASHERS - a puerile piece of assaultive, offensive crapola that I walked out on.
Though comparisons are odious, because both are romantic comedies,I can't help but look at how differently the two films treated romance and comedy..and the audience.
'DELUXE COMBO...' is really satisfying, amusing, clever, heart-warming, a really nice twist on the boy/girl thing - all the things Crashers wasn't. It had Dave Thomas and Jennifer Tilly and Monique Schnarre being actually very good as were the young actors in the leads. Len Doncheff has a great turn as the Uncle.
Really good work with characters we can respond to, root for, be moved by,recognize and identify with. And all this for under 2 mil. Mind you first time screenwriter from a George Brown program Brigitte Talevski said she didn't mind going unpaid to date.

Deluxe Combo Platter Premise/Synopsis:
The film follows a small-town waitress, Eve Stuckley, (Marla Sokoloff) who secretly lusts for Jeff Sweeney, the town's most eligible bachelor. When Eve finally decides to throw caution to the wind and pursue her man, a beautiful corporate executive called Linda Avery (Schnarre) comes into town, throwing the entire male population into an uproar.

May I add to that she also throws the female population for a loop or two, too.